Well, we seem to have survived the “end” of the Mayan calendar. Although many people are saying they felt a shift on that day, and since. As if we’ve turned some kind of corner toward a lighter, healthier Earth. Can you contribute to that brighter future? I’d say you can, by fulfilling your own highest future visions.
This week–through February 13th–is the week to advance toward your dreams, with a positive, definite, committed step. What needs to grow in your life?
Many of us have been holding back on pursuing our dreams and better futures for many months now. We may have been making excuses, like “what if the world ends on 12/21/12, what’s the point?” Even more of us have been simply depressed by the general economic and world climates–pun intended, though I don’t mean to make light of our present state. Many people are suffering in the throes of social and environmental change. Almost everyone seems overwhelmed and near their wit’s end. We are certainly in the midst of cultural and technological change at a breakneck pace, the likes of which humanity has never seen. (I’ll have more to say about that in my upcoming letter about the Uranus/Pluto square that is ongoing.)
But this week, you can move forward, take that next step, create change in your life. Learn more, grow, pursue a new field, start your research, make a commitment to a new path. You can be more than you used to think you could be. And there couldn’t be a better moment than the next week or so to begin.
Last Wednesday, Jupiter turned direct (meaning it ceased retrograde motion), giving us a renewed opportunity to make positive growth and advancement a reality in our lives, both at the individual and the social level. For the last four months or so, during Jupiter’s reverse period, we were turning inward, looking for ideas and ways to grow into the future. That future begins now.
Just after Jupiter went direct, it formed a beautiful and rare grand triangle in the sky with the Sun and the Moon; that’s a powerful harbinger of growth and blessings.
(What needs to grow in your life?)
But in order to get the best of this energy, we need to make it clear to the Universe that we are willing to do our part to manifest our dreams in the world. Now is the time to actualize those inner visions with a positive, substantial step toward creating them in the outer, material world of your life.
Even if you can’t take that important initiating step (or with a stalled project or direction, a resuming step) in the next seven days, you will have the energy of Jupiter at your back–until November 7th. But this week is far and away the best time to begin. Why? Because Saturn will then turn retrograde on the 18th, for four months, and that means delays and adjustments. Personally, I’ll take delays and adjustments if I know I’m on the path I want to be on to create the future I want to be a part of, wouldn’t you? Saturn will only delay us in the sense that it will help us to see what’s going to work better, so we can succeed long-term. Jupiter is telling us now is the time to start to grow.
There’s also a Mercury retrograde period coming up, on the 23rd, for three weeks. Which means snafus and glitches, but this too shall pass, leaving you well on the track to success, if you take action this week–and are prepared to stay the course and make adjustments. There may be a better future out there for us than we have dared imagine.
Take a step in your desired direction and start exploring; the Universe will help correct your course as you move along. If you have a really big starting step to take, try to wait until after the new Moon on Saturday night (the 9th); the following Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday look particularly good for beginnings!
You can’t get to where you want to go if you’re not willing to leave where you are now.
I’d be happy to learn of your progress, send me a note with your achievements or tell me your goals.
Om Shanti, Rich
by Rich Moser, Transcendental Astrology