Baseball, Fashion and Saturn

December 5th, 2014

Greetings, Followers of Important Trends:

Do you remember hearing “Friends don’t let friends wear neon?” Does that seem like such a long time ago? Well, it was, but it may be time to dust off that saying, because things cycle—often in ways we aren’t fully aware of on a day-by-day basis. I  can remember buying some random neon clothing items in Palm Springs back in 1984, but they’ve been difficult to find ever since. It was 29 years ago that neon disappeared from the fashion scene and we didn’t see it again, seemingly gone forever (to the great relief of some).

Until this year. I was at a baseball game in September and began to notice some neon on my fellow fans, so I started counting as I walked among the concession stands; in just five minutes, I saw 20 different people wearing some type of day-glo clothing. This seems unheard of, unless one goes back a Saturn cycle, which would be 29 to 30 years ago.

Saturn takes approximately 29.5 years to make a full circuit of the zodiac, as seen from Earth. Neon is now “back” in fashion after a full Saturn cycle. Neon, neon, everywhere! Oh, but in between? Nothing. You couldn’t find neon, except on safety equipment. So there was an intervening period of dearth, of lack, of depression. The neon fabric dye market certainly was depressed! That’s how it often goes with Saturn, a long period of spartan lack, of difficulty, and then finally a breakthrough. And with tests of resolve coming at certain points along the way.

      “The process of the growth of consciousness is always accompanied by struggle”

—Liz Greene, Saturn: a New Look at an Old Devil

Now take the Kansas City Royals. Those of you who are baseball fans (as well as astrology fans) no doubt followed their remarkable season, which ended oh-so-close-to-a-championship on the day before Hallowe’en. The Royals—a team with a successful past if you go back far enough—have been more lately owned by one of the country’s ten wealthiest people, the CEO of Wal-Mart, one David Glass.

Glass took over direction of the team 21 years ago—about 3/4ths of a Saturn cycle, a critical period of change in setting direction and goals. He became the sole owner 14 years ago—or 1/2 a cycle, another critical juncture in any Saturn period. And then, after one mildly successful season, the Royals proceeded on to nine straight losing years. Much suffering was to be found. Glass was well-criticized for cutting his payroll by more than 50% and refusing to put money into the team, while continuing to clean up on ticket sales (even though having a better team would have drawn many more fans, as it had in the past, grrr). Glass was the classic Saturnian owner, ruling with a spartan iron fist, no frills, and all about squeezing—everywhere he could.

But then about seven years ago (1/4 of a cycle) something changed, and the team started keeping its key players instead of refusing to pay them what other teams were willing to (and letting them leave). Last year, they finally had another winning season. And this year, lo and behold, not only did they win, but they got very hot late in the season and did the unthinkable: they made the playoffs, which hadn’t happened for, umm, hmmm, 29 years. And they kept winning, often in miraculous fashion, and got all the way to the World Series, also for the first time in 29 years. And they came about as close as they could to beating the San Francisco Giants, only to lose by a whisker. Thank you, Saturn! Finally, success!

There are more Saturnian notes to this story. The Royals’ manager, Ned Yost, thus made it to his first World Series after eleven years of less successful managing (many of them struggling with the losing Royals). But he just turned 59 years old (59= 2 x 29.5). Saturn had a reward for him upon the occasion of his second Saturn return.

But who beat Ned and the Royals, if only barely? The Giants’ manager is Bruce Bochy, who….just….turned….59 and a half. And because it was his third championship, experts are now suddenly talking about him being a likely Hall of Fame electee. Saturn brings fame too, if you’re willing to persevere and keep working. And working selflessly is best when it comes to Saturnian scenarios. (The Giants have had their ups and downs too!)

The lesson: when Saturn grabs you, he means business, and you would do well to sober up wherever he is causing you suffering—and take a good look at what outlook  or behaviors you’re being asked to change. When Saturn is making important angles by transit to your birth chart, something with great potential may be in the offing. If it’s something really important to you, and you’re willing to take a long-term approach, then get ready to take step one—on what could be a long but rewarding journey. It might only take seven or fourteen years to come to fruition, though; Saturn parcels out completions in quarter cycles, and in halves too. Twenty-nine years is hard for humans to wait for; but Saturn tends to teach us our deepest and most important lessons on Earth, so it can be worth waiting for—if we’re willing to make adjustments and stick it out.

Esoterically speaking, Saturn represents our fears. We need to learn to move through them, with discernment and adaptability.

“Feed your dreams by starving your fears.” 

—Angelic Guides, via Taryn Crimi, Golden Age of Gaia

Practically speaking, Saturn is work. Have a goal, take the step, do the work. Feel the fear, shake it off, take the step anyway. Saturn will be pleased—eventually, when things are (finally) just right and really workable. Saturn is also Father Time. If you take the larger view, you will grow and become wise, and succeed—in time. Just like the Kansas City Royals, who underwent a period of deprivation and misery (ask their fans), squashed (err, molded) by Saturn, only to emerge stronger for the ordeal. And just like neon, I guess.

Try to generally remember this, as my next one or two letters will be describing Saturn’s upcoming antics. Don’t worry though, it’s all going to be about growth through adjustment; and on a global scale. What a time to be alive!

Until then, have a Wonderful Holiday Season.



By Rich

Rich is a practicing astrologer based in Santa Barbara, CA.